
The National Mentoring Standards ensure best practice in mentoring across the UK and internationally, using a self-assessment framework of standards to assess the quality of the mentoring programme. This gives organisations the opportunity to benchmark themselves against the set of standards, to enable high quality mentoring programmes to be delivered.

National Mentoring Day

National Mentoring day was launched to celebrate mentoring with a key focus on recognising excellence and raising awareness on the significant benefits of mentoring to encourage more people to get involved in mentoring.

Taking place on the 27th October each year, the day encourages events to take place throughout the World, including a National Mentoring Day Summit and awards.

The day was founded by Chelsey Baker, an award-winning business mentor to help recognise and celebrate mentoring in all its forms. The key message is to raise awareness of the invaluable and rewarding contribution that mentoring makes which has a huge impact on not only our economy but also our society.

Our aim is to encourage interactive discussions, events, social media activities and facilitate shared vision and synergies for everyone involved in the industry and to showcase the benefits of being a mentor and being mentored.

Leading professional mentoring organisations, mentors, key influencers and though leaders from across the World will join together to celebrate the great work Mentors are doing to support individuals and businesses.

The Mentoring School

The Mentoring School is devoted to raising standards in mentoring by putting in place syllabuses for different levels of mentoring.

For years, anyone has been able to call themselves a mentor, there have been very few training standards. People working or volunteering as mentors have had very little opportunity to learn about the underlying principles of trust and safety vital for effective mentoring relationships. On top of that, some leadership and management organisations have encouraged people to view mentoring as a step down from coaching. They published the eight levels of mentoring in 2018.

Founded in 2016, The Mentoring School has become the recognised name for mentoring training, both in the UK and internationally. Able to offer the delivery of a range of mentoring courses in different sectors, they also work with partner organisations to help them to deliver recognised mentor courses.

Winner of multiple awards, The Mentoring School has established itself as the global leader in provider of specialist mentor training and qualifications.