The initial stage of any application is to download the standards from the website and to work through the seven pillars and compare each to the mentoring programme(s). Each standard is provided as a downloadable pdf file to facilitate this process.
When you are ready to start recording evidence on the site, you can navigate over to an online form that you can save and reedit as necessary.
You will be required to write a statement to evidence each of the criteria at the level you want to apply for. In addition, there is a separate section for putting in hyperlinks to evidence, such as pamphlets, webpages, reports, or resources.
In order to quality assure the process and ensure best practice is embedded, programmes are required to remain at each stage for six months before progressing to the next level and cannot progress from Bronze to Gold in one step.
New applicants will need to meet the Bronze standards and hold that level for at least six months before being able to progress.